We are absolutely in love with this beautiful breed, which represents the perfect balance between power and elegance. Of even dignified temperament, Rhodesian Ridgeback is a strong, muscular and active, handsome, upstanding and athletic dog, devoted and affectionate to his master

News 2025

  • *
    10th February

    Our newest litter has arrived! Dolla delivered 10 beautiful puppies5 males and 5 females. More info on puppies page

    News 2024

  • *
    17th November
    AM show: *BUGATTI* best of breed and MINOR IN GROUP, her dad
    RU of Breed
    PM show: *KATANA*- BOB and BEST IN GROUP 4th
    his daughter BUGATTI reserve cc
    6th October
    Adelaide Hills Champ Show *BUGATTI* from puppy class wins Bitch Challenge over older girls, RU BOB and PUPPY IN GROUP! Her dad *KATANA* was BOB

  • 29th September

    *KATANA* at ADSS PM Champ show wins BEST IN GROUP 2
    16th August
    *DOLLA* aka Almazart Gambling Doll gained her final points for her championship title,becosming the latest Almazart Champion. We look forward to her first litter later this year.
    9th August
    Puppies sired by our handsome boy *KATANA* have arrived at Macumazahn Kennels

    4th August
    *KATANA* wins BEST IN GROUP! Thank you Paula for showing our handsome boy!


29th June
*KATANA* R/Up Best in Group,
at Adelaide Kennel Club Champ Show
Thank you Paula for handling Katana to his wins!


30th May
Hound Club of SA champ show
*KATANA* - Best of Breed

10th March
*KATANA* won Opposite Intermediate in Show and BEST HEAD DOG at the RRCSA specialty show (judge Mr. Gary Denver (Germany))

9th March
Our newest litter of puppies has arrived!


3rd March
*KATANA* best Intermediate in Group at ACDC show (handler Paula Edgar)


17th February
*KATANA* wins Best Intermediate in Show (group show) , handled by Paula.


20th January
First litter sired by our *KATANA* has arrived at Shakuru Kennels. There are 8 healthy all ridged puppies, congratulations Rebecca Lamb and mum Evie.

3rd January
*MARUSIA* has started in season (27th December , two months earlier!) She will be bred shortly. We are very excited for these upcoming long awaited puppies!

News 2023

15th December
First show after a big brake since the Royal, *KATANA* at 16 months of age wins another RU BIG (GROUP 2nd) handled by Paula Edgar.

6th September
*KATANA* at the Royal Adelaide Show wins RU BOB from Junior class!
Photo with his current handler
Paula Edgar .

27th August
*KATANA*gained his final points to become Australian Chempion! He is now known as
Aus Ch Almazart Here I Am at just 12 months of age.

20th August
After more than 3 months of break from the show ring due to my health issues , at SA Poultry & Kennel Club under judge Mrs M W Wierzchowska (Poland) *KATANA* wins BOB and Runner Up in Group & Junior in Group!
23rd April
BOB, GROUP 4th and Puppy in Group for *KATANA* at Gawler Champ Show!

News 2022

16th October
*DOLLA* aka Almazart Gambling Doll
wins Best Bred by Exhibitor in Show at the RRCSA specialty show!

3rd August
We have new puppies!

1st July
We are very excited to announce a new Almazart litter now confirmed by ultrasound due 4th August!

News 2021

17th October
RRCSA championship show
( judge D. Redman ) our *MARUSIA* wins Open in Show and Reserve bitch

9th October
It's been a very sad day here at Almazart. Our very first puppy born from our first litter has passes away at the age of 12.5 years.
RIP our beautiful girl
Almazart Allegory Of Night
8/3/2009 - 9/10/2021

17th April
has acheaved her final points and now will be known as
Australian Champion
Almazat Eastern Promises


10th April
gains her final points to become
New Australian GRAND Champion
MBISS Grand Champion Almazart Captive Fyre

News 2020

27th November
Our new puppies have arrived!


26th October
We have a new litter (confirmed by ultrasound) due end of November!
More info click here

15th January

News 2019

8th June
She's done it again!
MBISS Ch Almazart Captive Fyre

Judge: David Miller (USA)

29th May
We had to say good buy to our beautiful Shakira. RIP girl

1st May
Tyra's new puppies have arrived!

11th January
We have this certificate arrived today. Well done Vitta ( Ch Almazart Dolce Vitta) , good job done in 2018!

News 2018

24th June
Our *VITTA* , now Aus CH Almazart Dolce Vitta, gained her Championship Title at the age of 9 months winning Bitch Challenge and Puppy in Group under hound specialist Ian Rasmussen

9th June
Ch Almazart Captive Fyre

Judge: Mr Eddie Patterson of Rocksham Rhodesian Ridgebacks (Ireland)

Flare was also awarded BEST GAITED and BEST HEADED Bitch

Huge congratulations to Flare's owners Dale and Mick of Riginal RRs!

25th April
Our beautiful *MAUDE* has had her first litter at Mikozi Ridgebacks. Four perfect boys! Congratulations Vanessa Mcgill on a lovely litter.

15th April

RRCSA Specialty Show
Almazart Dolce Vitta

News 2017

23rd November
Caboolture Show (QLD)*FLARE* wins BOB and RU in GROUP!


Well done Dale!

26th August

26th March
RRCSA Champ Show,
*MAUDE* aka Ch Almazart Caught In The Crossfire wins Reserve Bitch Challange and JUNIOR IN SHOW and Best ridge bitch!

Also our Queen
*LATIFA* aka Ch Usakose Girlwitha Dragontattoo wins AUS BRED IN SHOW! Judge Mrs Jessica Reilly (QLD) *Amakhosi RRs*

19th March

our gorgeous *LATIFA* wins a huge Aus Bred bitch class of 29 entries and then wins AUS BRED IN SHOW!

*FLARE* aka Ch Almazart Captive Fyre wins BEST HEAD BITCH class of 54 entries! Judge Mrs Ann Woodrow *Mirengo RRs* UK

25th February
*FLARE* aka Ch Almazart Captive Fyre wins BEST IN GROUP and JUNIOR IN SHOW ! Clever girl!

3rd February
At Adelaide Hills Kennel Club show our wonderful brown child *MAUDE* at just under 16 months old (with a breed entry of 17 Ridgebacks) won a 13 point bitch challenge, RUBOB and *Junior in Group* ! ( Judge Mrs J O'Connor - Ireland)
*MAUDE* will now be known as "Aus Ch Almazart Caught NThe Crossfire FS.S" 

17th January
*MAUDE* (Almazart Caught Nthecrossfire) acheaves her first Title - at DWD Competition Maude gained second place in her division to now give her three qualifications - she will be known as "Almazart Caught NThe Crossfire FS.S" (Freestyle Starters) Congratulations Maude and Vanessa!!!

News 2016

30th October
*FLARE* (CH Almazart Captive Fyre) was qualified to participate at Puppy of the Year competition. She made the top 32 and even more exciting that she was placed 20th!! AND we are absolutely thrilled that at the last shows of the year for Flare this weekend she wins BEST IN GROUP and JUNIOR IN SHOW! What a girl! Congratulation to the family!

6th September
Our kids made us proud again at the prestigious Royal Adelaide Show this year *CHEG* wins his class and then went to win PUPPY OF BREED and his mum *TYRA* wins Reserve Bitch Challenge! Latifa also won her class!

20th August
We are proud to announce our NEW CHAMPION! *FLARE* at just 10 months of age gets her final points for her title winning Best of Breed and Puppy In Group and now becomes Aust Champion Almazart Captive Fyre!

8th August
*FLARE* wins Puppy of Breed at The Queensland Royal show!

2nd July
*FLARE* wins Minor Puppy In Show at All Breeds Champ Show in Queensland! Well done Dale, Kylie and Mick!

11th June
RR Club of Queensland Champ Specialty Show Judge: Mrs Wendy Paquette Canada)
*FLARE* aka Almazart Captive Fyre
wins MINOR IN SHOW and BEST RIDGE! Huge congratulations Dale and Mick!

17th April
RR Club of SA Championship Specialty Show (the judge was Linda Costa of Sarula RRs)
Our always gorgeous *Bright Shadow* *TYRA* wins OPEN IN SHOW and RESERVE BITCH CHALLENGE !
*LATIFA* wins INTERMEDIATE IN SHOW and our brownie *MAUDE* (co-owned with Vanessa McGill) wins OPPOSITE MINOR IN SHOW!
Same weekend In Queensland *FLARE* wins her first Challenge points, RUBOB and MINOR PUPPY IN GROUP! Congratulations to her owners Dale and Mick! Love our kids!

16th April
Hound Club Champ Show of SA
*MAUDE* wins MINOR PUPPY IN SHOW under breed specialist Lyn King of Ingwe Kennels (Vic) Congratulations Maude's co-owner Vanessa! *LATIFA* won Intermediate of Breed under strong competition.

2nd April
Huge congratulations to Vanessa and *MAUDE* taking BEST BABY IN SHOW at her last day in Baby Class! Love our brown girl!

News 2015

4th October

1st September
TYRA's pregnancy confirmed by ultrosound! Puppies due 5th October! More info on our PUPPIES page.

6th August
WE HAVE MOVED and now located on 9 glorious acres at One Tree Hill

4th August
TYRA has been inseminated and we hope for new puppies early in October

26th July
Lovely win for our girls at Marion Kennel Club Champ Show today. Tyra (Ch Almazart Bright Shadow ) won challenge bitch and Best of Breed 23 points and Latifa ( Ch Usakose Girlwitha Dragontattoo ) res bitch and Runner up of Breed!
Judge was Mr. Nymann ( Denmark )

10th May

We didn't show much this year due to my injury , so we were very happy to get back to the show ring with
*Latifa* and win Best of Breed and final points for her Championship Title! Well done Latifa now Australian Champion Usakose Girlwitha Dragontattoo (AI)! Huge congratulations to her breeder and co-owner Sharron Tylor on her 50th home bred Champion!

News 2014

27th September
Our young girl *Latifa* Usakose Girlwitha Dragontattoo (AI) won Best of Breed (13 points) under a breed specialist Rob Surman (Groberspals RRs) AND then went RUNNER UP BEST IN GROUP and Junior in Group !

10th September
At the Royal Adelaide Show our *TYRA* Ch Almazart Bright Shadow wins Bitch Challenge (18points) and Runner Up Best of Breed!!!!

31st August
Congratulations Sally Miles!
*Ela* Ch Almazart Bright Sensation wins Best Intermediate in Show at Gippsland International Winter Festival Show !
10th August
At the RR National in Queensland Tyra was placed 4th in a big class(15 entries) and was short listed for best headed bitch!
17th May
At the RR Specialty Champ show in Melbourne our *Tyra* wins Intermediete bitch class (12 entries) and wins Opposite Intermediete in Show!

15th April
Cooper - R.I.P. Ch Balnacoin Kelton 09/12/2003-15/04/2014

News 2013

15th December
Latifa from minor puppy class wins Best of Breed (16 CC points) , Minor Puppy in Group and Minor Puppy in Show (all breeds)! The judge was breed specialist Ms Cheryl Currie (Caprivi RRs). Great way to finish the show year!

27th October
Our baby Latifa wins Best Baby Puppy In Show at the Hound Club of SA both Championship and Open shows !

6th October
Ch Almazart Bright Sensation *ELA*
goes Reserve Challenge Bitch at the NSW RR Specialty Show!
Huge Congratulations to her owner and handler Sally Miles!
25th September
Royal Melbourne Show *ELA*
wins Reserve Challenge Bitch !!
17th August
*ELA* gained her Championship Title and now is CH Almazart Bright Sensation. Congratulations Sally Miles!
29th July

*ELA* wins Junior in Show at the Southern Region Hound Show (NSW)
15th July
We welcome* LATIFA* to the Almazart Family!
12th May
We are very happy to announce our new champion
*TYRA* now Ch Almazart Bright Shadow gained her Championship Title at just 14 months of age!
13th April
Our *TYRA* Almazart Bright Shadow wins JUNIOR BITCH CLASS,

at RRCSA specialty champ show under a breed specialist Mrs Sue Cameron-Codognotto (Ozrhode RRs)!
6th April
*ELA* Almazart Bright Sensation
( owned and handled by Sally Miles Kimbisha RRs ) wins

JUNIOR IN SHOW at NSW RR club Specialty Champ Show under a breed specialist Mrs Di Jolly ( Ravvar RRs)
31st March
*TYRA* Almazart Bright Shadow wins
at all breeds champ show!
21st February
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our beautiful Khama x Shakira 17 puppies! One year old today!
Our Photo Gallery page has been updated now...

News 2012

*ELA* Almazart Bright Sensation wins Best Puppy of Breed at prestige Melbourne Royal Show! Huge congratulations to her owner and handler Sally Miles (Kimbisha Ridgebacks)!
Weekend 25-26 August . First two shows in Minor Class under international judges *TYRA* wins
Minor In Group
both days!
*TYRA* wins Baby Puppy in Group 28 July at Marion Kennel Club Champ Show under Canadian judge
Mr D Markus

22nd April
All puppies have gone to their new homes
14th April
at RRCSA Championship Show under judge Anthony Trollope
(Churingaloge RRs)

21st February
NEW PUPPIES HAVE ARRIVED! 10 boys and 7 girls!
*SHAKIRA* gained her Championship Title!

News 2011

We are very thrilled with this week news - Cooper’s son *INDI* gained his Championship Title on 31st of July. Indi now is Aus Ch  Shelridge Indiana Jones and second Champion progeny for our boy Cooper
indiIndi gained his championship title just at tender age of 13 months !
We are proud to announce our first home bred champion *LEXIE* now known as
Aus CH Almazart Allegory of Freedom
Huge congratulations to her owners Julie Lynch and Henry DiPaolo!!!


Welcome to Almazart Rhodesian Ridgebacks

Shakira's first litter March 2009

Please have a look throughout our home page where you can find lots of photos of our dogs and always up-to-date news.

We are registered breeders with the Australian National Kennel Council ;
Dogs SA membership № 5100014520 ; DACO 161745
We take dog breeding very seriously therefore we don't breed often and mainly when we want to add a puppy to our family and for our future breeding programm.
It takes a lot of effort , time, energy, and money to breed well. Actively participating in All Breeds dog shows as well as RR specialties and National shows,  we educate ourselves  on our breed, learn a lot from others long time Rhodesian  Ridgeback Breeders and share our knowledge as well.

We bred our first litter in 2009 and then in 2012 and 2015. These three litters have produced five Almazart champions successfully shown here in Adelaide, Queensland and Victoria. We had only two puppies in our latest litter born in 2017 and one of them Vitta has become Aus Champion at the tender age of 9 months. We look forward to campaign her brother later this year.
Looking for new blood lines in partnership with our friends RR breeders we imported semen from Canada and Czech republic and now have exciting breeding plans for Almazart kennels in the future.
We also purchased Latifa from Sharron Taylor of Usakose kennels in 2013 . Latifa has exciting pedigree and gorgeous conformation and beautiful gentle nature. We love our dogs and are proud of their achievements.   

The beginning ... We got involved in Rhodesian Ridgebacks in 2003 when we were very lucky to purchase our first ridgeback Cooper. From when we arrived in Australia in 1999 from St. Petersburg, Russia, we were dreaming about a puppy and as soon as we got our own house and settled in Adelaide we contacted the RR Club of South Australia. Luckily Balnacoin kennels had a litter coming soon and we were hoping for a boy. So we had a puppy named Balnacoin Kelton aka Cooper. We thank very much Christina MacLeod the breeder of the litter who trusted us with this beautiful boy. Cooper and Shakira in the Adelaide Hills

Being very new in the show ring, we started learning show-art together with Cooper. Since then we became hooked on shows and the breed. We also are active members of RR Club of South Australia and run the web site for the Club.
Our ridgebacks participate in all Club activities such as lure coursing, shows and fun days.
Cooper's show career has been very successful and he absolutely enjoys been shown. He gained his Australian Champion title with ease and continues hitting the ring and winning. Cooper winning group at the Autumn International Show Adelaide Photo above circa 2004 me with Junior *COOPER* winning at Automn International Show.

In September 2006 first Cooper's litter was born in Shelridge kennels from stunning Misty ( Ch Ozrhode Divine Mystique ) and we kept a girl from this mating. Thus Cooper's lovely daughter Shakira (Shelridge Haute Couture) joined us and in 2009 we've registered our ALMAZART prefix.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding our ridgebacks.